Sealed tender for below mentioned works are hereby invited from Govt: Contractors enlisted with LG&RDD/PEC in the relevant category and having registration/enlistment renewal for the current year as per following schedule.

Work NoWork NameEstimated Cost (Millions)Earnest Money(Rs.)Last Date / Time of Submission of Tender FormsDate / Time of OpeningTime LimitAddress of NC / VCDownload BOQ
1MAINTENANCE OF HOUSE #198/C-2 (01-KANAL) HOUSE AT PDA COLONY PHASE-V1.767035340 22-Oct-2020 12:00 PM 11:30AMAs Per Work OrderPDA 3rd Floor Block 2 Pda Commercial Complex Phase 5 Hayatabad Download BOQ Download SBD
2MAINTENANCE OF HOUSE #171/C-2 (01-KANAL) HOUSE AT PDA COLONY PHASE-V0.993019860 22-Oct-2020 12:00 PM 11:30AMAs Per Work OrderPDA 3rd Floor Block 2 Pda Commercial Complex Phase 5 Hayatabad Download BOQ Download SBD


 (Notice Inviting E-Tender)


Sealed tenders on the basis of “Single Stage Two Envelop” under Rules 14(2) (b) of KPPRA Rules 2014, are hereby invited  through E-bidding from PDA/Contractors duly registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) in the relevant categories for the under mentioned works on percentage above / below on the BOQ / Engineer cost estimate

as per detail given below:-


Name of work

Estimated cost in Millions (Rs)

Earnest money


Tender form fee


Date & Time of opening of tender

All Relevant PEC  codes mandatory

Time Limit







390.15 Millions


2% of the Estimated cost






11:00 AM





02:00 PM

C-3 and above, EE-04, EE-05, EE-06 & EE-11(General)


As per Work Order


Terms and Conditions:

  1. Tender documents/BOQ/Specifications/standards and Tender Evaluation criteria as per PEC can be downloaded upto 12:00 am mid night dated 29-10-2020 from Peshawar Development Authority web site at the
  2. After evaluation successful the bidders will be informed through correspondence for financial E-bidding and opening.   
  3. 2% (two percent of estimated cost) earnest money must be accompanied with the financial proposal in the shape of call deposit in the name of Director General, Peshawar Development Authority from scheduled Bank. Copies of the requisite documents like renewal, Income Tax certificate, etc. must be attached with the Bid.
  4. The eligible contractor / firm are required to submit their technical proposal in sealed envelope through registered courier service on or before the above mentioned date and time, by hand submition will not be allowed.
  5. Technical proposal must be numbered and a table of content inserted at the beginning of the proposal showing the contents of proposal accordingly to numbered pages. All tender documents must be signed by the bidder and seal be affixed along with signature/initial by an authorized person of firm/company
  6. In case of bid /rate quoted by the bidder more than 10% below engineer estimate, the additional bid security shall be sought from the successful bidder only to the extent of bid more than 10% below engineer estimate in the form of percentage. The amount of additional bid security shall be equal to the impact of financial difference occurring in the quoted rates beyond 10% below engineer estimate.
  7. The goods imported must be labeled with the required country of origin labeling, it is prohibited making false or misleading claims about the place of origin of goods.
  8.  In case of  goods are imported the successful bidder will have to provide the  proof of import documents, all custom duties and taxes paid, clearly showing the supplier as the Original OEM / or authorized agents / distributors from the original OEM, in relevant country of origin.
  9.  In case bids become tie the same will be decided through free toss which will be final & binding.
  10.  The bidders are at liberty to seek any clarification or further information from the office of the undersigned during working hours.
  11.  All federal and provincial duties /stamp duty /taxes including sales tax will be recoverable as per directives of the government issued from time to time.
  12. Only registered Suppliers/Contractors who are on active tax payers list ATL of FBR, are eligible to supply good/Services to government departments as per notification No:3(2)ST&FE/LP&E/MISC/2014/1 21940-R Dated 3rd September 2015 of FBR.
  13. In case a firm deputes its representative for the tender, must have a valid authorization letter along with CNIC and identification documents.
  14. Bidder shall provide Undertaking on a Rs.30 stamp paper showing no litigation /arbitration/Black Listed/Debarred with any department on the left over / incomplete projects, failing to this will not be eligible for participation.
  15.  Any disfiguring /over writing, manipulation in the tender shall be liable to rejection.
  16. Only the first two figures after decimal of the rate will be considered for evaluation of the bid.
  17. Bidders must be registered with KPRA KPK rule 37 (A) and must be on the Active Taxpayers List of KPRA (Mandatory).
  18.  Incomplete/conditional bid shall not be acceptable. Furthermore, the authority may reject any or all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of bid or proposal with a cogent reason under rules 47 of KPPRA rules, 2014.
  19.  Before shipment the successful bidders will bear the cost of for FAT through OEM.
  20. The tender will opened by PDA tendering committee 4th flour Director Finance Block-II PDA house commercial complex on above stated date and time.
  21. After evaluation the successful bidder will submit financial bid through E-biding system as being adopted by this authority. Whereas the technical bids will submitted on the date & time mentioned above.







Telephone No. 091-9217133



 (Notice Inviting E-Tender)


E-Bidding on the basis of “Single Stage Single Envelop” under KPPRA Rules 2014, are hereby invited from

enlisted Firms/Contractors with PDA and registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) who have paid their registration / renewal fee for the year 2019-2020 for the under mentioned work on percentage above / below on the BOQ / Engineer cost estimate as per detail given below:-


Name of work

Estimated cost in Millions (Rs)

Earnest money


Tender form fee


Date & Time of opening of tender

All Relevant PEC  codes mandatory

Time Limit




Supply of Electrical Accessories for maintenance of PDA Building Block A and Block B.

3.059 million




2% of the Estimated  cost





10:00 AM





11:00 AM



C-6 & above







As per work order



Terms and Conditions:

1.Tender documents/BOQ/Specifications/standards can be downloaded up to 12:am Mid Night 02/11/2020  from Peshawar Development Authority web site at the address

  1. 2% (two percent of estimated cost) earnest money must be accompanied with the financial proposal in the shape of call deposit in the name of Director General, Peshawar Development Authority from scheduled Bank. Copies of the requisite documents like renewal, Income Tax certificate, etc. must be attached with the Bid.
  2. All the tender Document fee as mentioned above shall be payable through demand draft or CDR in the name of Director General, Peshawar Development Authority Peshawar (non-refundable). No cash will be accepted.
  3. All tender documents must be signed by the bidder and seal be affixed along with signature/initial by an authorized person of firm/company and send to the office of the undersigned through RCS on or before mentioned date and time.
  4. The bidders who quote their bids / rates more than 10% below the Engineer’s estimate shall submit an Additional Security in the form of call deposit equal to 8% of the estimated cost. In case the bid is not accompanied with additional security then the bid shall be considered as non-responsive and the 2nd lowest bidder and so on will be considered accordingly as per order No. KPPRA/ M&E/Estts/1-5/2016, dated Peshawar, May 24, 2016
  5. The goods imported must be labeled with the required country of origin labeling, it is prohibited making false or misleading claims about the place of origin of goods.
  6.  In case of  goods are imported the successful bidder will have to provide the  proof of import documents, all custom duties and taxes paid, clearly showing the supplier as the Original OEM / or authorized agents / distributors from the original OEM, in relevant country of origin.
  7. In case bids become tie the same will be decided through free toss which will be final & binding.
  8. The bidders are at liberty to seek any clarification or further information from the office of the undersigned during working hours.
  9.  All federal and provincial duties /stamp duty /taxes including sales tax will be recoverable as per directives of the government issued from time to time.
  10. Only registered Suppliers/Contractors who are on active tax payers list ATL of FBR, are eligible to supply good/Services to government departments as per notification No:3(2)ST&FE/LP&E/ MISC/2014/121940-R Dated 3rd September 2015 of FBR.
  11. Bidder shall provide Undertaking on a Rs.30 stamp paper showing no litigation /arbitration/Black Listed/Debarred with any department on the left over / incomplete projects, failing to this will not be eligible for participation.
  12. Only the first two figures after decimal of the rate will be considered for evaluation of the bid.
  13. Bidders must be registered with KPRA KPK rule 37 (A) and must be on the Active Taxpayers List of KPRA.
  14.  Incomplete/conditional bid shall not be acceptable. Furthermore, the authority may reject any or all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of bid or proposal with a cogent reason under rules 47 of KPPRA rules, 2014.
  15.  Before shipment the successful bidders will bear the cost of for FAT through OEM.









Telephone No. 091-9217133



(Single Stage one envelopes) 

                                                    (Notice Inviting E. Bidding)


Sealed bids on the basis of “SINGLE STAGE SINGLE ENVELOPES SYSTEM” under Rule 14 (2) (a) of KPPRA Rules 2014, are hereby invited from Provincial Enlistment Committee Khyber Pakhtunkhwa / PDA enlisted Contractor / firms who registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA)   for the current year 2020-2021 having sufficient experience in the field of works given below, on percentage above/below on the BOQ/Engineer cost estimate for the following work. Estimated Cost Based on MRS-2020.



Name of Work



Estimated Cost



2% Earnest Money


Bidding documents Fee


PEC Registration category

Date /Time of Receipt/opening of Tender /bids

Time Limit





Construction  of Boundary wall around Graveyard at Sector 4D/II zone -4 Regi Model Town Peshawar




C - 6 and above


03/11 /2020

11:00 AM

03/11 /2020

11:30 AM

As per Work order


Repair / Rehabilitation and construction  of boundary wall around Hayatabad Peshawar 




C - 6 and above


03/11 /2020

11:00 AM

03/11 /2020

12:30 PM


As per Work order


Remaining work at masjid Allah u Akber Sector E-4 , Phase VII Hayatabad Peshawar




C - 6 and above


04/11 /2020

11:00 AM

04/11 /2020

11:30 AM

As per Work order


Construction of Masjid at Asad abad Opposite to Army firing Range, Regi Lalma Peshawar.(Balance Works)






C - 6 and above



04/11 /2020

11:00 AM

04/11 /2020

12:30 PM



As per Work order




1.                  The contractor / firm shall apply online via E- bidding on PDA web site, at The advertisement can also be seen on KPPRA website at up to 12:00 am Mid Night on schedule opening dates. Interested contractors/firms are requested to obtain user name and password from P&D Section of PDA to download tender forms and BOQs.


2.                  2% (two percent) earnest money must be accompanied with the tender documents in the shape of call deposit in the name of Director General PDA from scheduled Banks branches at Peshawar. Copies of the requisite documents like enlistment/renewal, Income Tax Certificate and PEC Registrations, NTN etc must be attached with the tender documents, while original be produced to the Tender Opening Committee for confirmation at the time of opening of the tender.

3.                  The bidding documents fee in shape of call deposit amounting to Rs. 1000/- be submitted separately in favor of the Director General PDA. 







4.                  Incomplete /disfiguring/overwriting/ delayed bids shall be considered non responsive. 


5.                  All federal and provincial duties/stamp duty/taxes including sales tax etc will be recoverable as per directives of the government issued from time to time.


6.                  In case the bid becomes tie, the work will be retendered.


7.                  The Firms/ contractor shall submit their bids by pressing / clicking “Finalize” option in the “Bid Details” section of E-bidding. After that the generated tender form shall be printed and submitted along with BOQ and other documents mentioned in condition No 2 of this NIT .


8.                  In case of bid / rate quoted by the bidder more than 10% below engineer estimate, the additional bid security shall be provided by the successful bidder only to the extent of bid more than 10% the engineer estimate in the form of percentage. The amount of additional bid security shall be equal to the impact of financial difference occurring in the quoted rate beyond 10% below engineer estimate vide Notification No KPPRA/M&E/Esst:/1-17/2019-20, dated 12.06.2020


9.                  In such eventuality , the successful bidder shall be bound to produce the additional bid security within  three (03) working days from the issuance of letter of acceptance, failing to which bid security of successful bidder will be forfeited and legal proceeding will also be initiated against the bidder who repudiated the contract under KPPRA procurement rules.  



10.              Any item not reflected in the BOQ and required at site, shall be paid in accordance with MRS-2020/prevailing market rates with the approval of the competent authority. 


11.              The procuring entity may reject all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid. The procuring entity shall upon request communicate to any contractor who submitted a bid , the grounds for rejection of all bids, as per KPPRA 47(1)  


12.              After applying, the documents must reach through registered courier service on mentioned date. Tender received via REGISTERED COURIER SERVICE will be entertained only.


13.              Other terms and conditions can be seen in the office of the undersigned on any working day during office hours.


14.              Validity of bid will be 90 days from the date of acceptance / approval of the tender.


15.              All the bidders must be registered and in the active Tax payer list of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority , established under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Act,2013(KP Act No  XXI of 2013




                                                                                            PDA’S HOUSE COMMERCIAL COMPLEX              

                                    BLOCK –I , 4TH FLOOR PHASE V , HAYATABAD



                                                                (Notice Inviting E. Bidding)

Sealed bids on the basis of “single stage single envelope system” under Rule 14 (2) (a) of KPPRA Rules 2014, are hereby invited from enlisted firms/contractors with PDA/Provincial Enlistment committee KP and registered with KPRA, Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for the year 2020-21, on percentage above/below on BOQ/Engineer cost estimate for the following works.



Name of Work

Estimated Cost

(Rs. In million)

Earnest Money /Bid Security of the (Estimated cost)

Bidding documents Fee

Required Category of PEC

Date & time of submission of Bids (Technical & Financial Proposals)

Date & time of Opening (Technical Proposals/Bids

Time Limit

Major Head: Repair and maintenance / Improvement of roads in Hayatabad.


Sub Head:

Improvement of area

in front of Tatara Park

Hayatabad, Peshawar






Category C-6

& above


11:00 A.M



11:30 Am

As per work order


Sub Head:    Construction of Pedestrian Bridge over Gandow khawr connecting Phase-I & II, near Zarghuni Mosque Hayatabad,       Peshawar.





Category C-6

& above


11:00 A.M




As per work order



Sub Head:

Construction of Pedestrian Bridge over Gandow khawr        connecting BRT Station # 26 to Phase-IV, Hayatabad,                     Peshawar.





Category C-6

& above


11:00 A.M




As per work order





1.             Tender/Bidding documents for works will be issued to only those construction firms/Contractor who fulfill the eligibility criteria. Tender Bidding documents including Tender Form and Bill of Quantities (BOQ) can be downloaded up to 12:00 am Mid Night to the opening date from PDA website,


2.             2% (two percent) earnest money/bid security of the estimated cost must be accompanied in shape of Call Deposit in name of the Director General, Peshawar Development Authority Peshawar, from schedule banks in accordance with the Rule 20(2) of KPPRA Rules 2014 and subsequent amendments (if any)..


3.             The submission of Bids by the contractors implies that they are fully conversant with the site of work, scope of work and terms conditions laid down in the tender / Bid documents.


  1. The eligible contractors / firms are required to submit their Bids for each work in separate sealed envelope and addressed & sent to the undersigned through courier service. The bids received late shall not be entertained.


5.             Bids will be opened in the office of undersigned in the presence of contractors/their representatives who choose to attend on the day and time mentioned above. In case if Bids/Proposals are not opened on the above mentioned date due to unforeseen reasons these shall be opened on the next working date at the same place & time.


6.             The contractor / firms following documents to be provided for submission of bids.

i)   A certificate that there is no dispute of the firm with any department involved/litigation

     arbitration on the left over / incomplete projects.


7.             Only up to two decimal digits (0.00) will be considered for evaluation of the quoted bid.  If any document submitted along with bid documents found false / bogus the registration of the contractor / firm shall stand cancelled / blacklisted.  Conditional / incomplete bids shall not be acceptable.


8.             The contractors / bidders who quote their bids / rates more than 10% below the Engineer’s estimate, the amount of additional bid security shall be equal to the impact of financial difference occurring in the quoted rates beyond 10% below engineer estimate. Furthermore, the successful bidders shall be bound to produce the additional bid security within three working days from the issuance of letter of acceptance failing which the procuring entity shall forfeit the bid security of successful bidder. The procuring entity may offer the contract to next lowest bidder after due diligence in the context of financial difference between such two bids and the market analysis in order to discourage cartel making and to protect public interest at large, in accordance with the notification KPPRA/M&E/Estt:/1-7/2019-20, Dated 12/06/2020.

9.             Any item not reflected in the BOQ and required at site, shall be paid in accordance with MRS-2020/prevailing market rates with the approval of the competent authority.


10.          All the Government taxes (Federal, Provincial & any other) will be deducted as per prevailing Government policy.


11.          Incomplete/ disfiguring / overwriting / by hand/ delayed bids shall be considered non-responsive.


12.          The procuring entity may reject all bids or any proposal/Bid at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposals. The procuring entity shall upon request communicate to any contactor who submitted a bid or proposal the grounds for rejection or of all bids or proposals as per KPPRA 47(1).


13.          Other terms & conditions pertaining to the work can be seen in the office of the undersigned at any working day during office hours.


14.          Validity of bid will be 90-days from date of opening of the tender.






                                DY. DIRECTOR ROAD-IV

Directorate of Road-III,

Peshawar Dev: Authority,



(Single Stage one envelope) 

 (Notice Inviting E. tenders)



Name of Work


Estimated Cost



Earnest Money




Registration category

Date /Time of Receipt/opening of Tender /bids

Time Limit


















C - 6 and above






11:00 AM





11:30 AM



As per Work order















C - 6 and above






11:00 AM





11:30 AM



As per Work order

Sealed bids on the basis of “single stage one envelopes system” under Rule 14(2)(a) of KPPRA Rules 2014, are hereby invited from firms/contractors registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA) and enlisted with PDA (or provincial enlistment committee)  for the current year, on percentage above/below on the Engineer cost estimate for the following work based on MRS-2020.                                             



                                                               TERMS& CONDITIONS

  1. The contractor/firm shall apply online via E- Bidding on PDA website at up to 12:00 AM Mid Night till opening date. The advertisement can also be seen on KPPRA website Interested contractors/firms are requested to obtain username and password from P&D Section of PDA to apply online, download tender forms and BOQs.


  1. 2% (two percent) earnest money must be accompanied with the tender documents in the shape of call deposit in the name of Director General PDA from scheduled Banks branch at Peshawar. Copies of the requisite documents like enlistment/renewal, Income Tax Certificate and PEC Registrations, NTN etc. must be attached with the tender documents, while original be produced to the Tender Opening Committee at the time of opening for confirmation.
  2. The bidding documents fees Rs. 1000/- for each tender must be accompanied in shape of call deposit with the tender documents in the name of Director General PDA from scheduled Banks branch at Peshawar.  
  3. Incomplete /disfiguring/overwriting/by hand/delayed bids shall be considered non-responsive.
  4. All federal and provincial duties/stamp duty/taxes will be recoverable as per directives of the government issued from time to time.
  5. In case the bid becomes tie, the work will be retendered.
  6. The Firms/contractors shall submit their bids by pressing/clicking "finalize" option in the "Bid Details" section of E-bidding. After that, the generated tender form shall be printed and submitted along with BOQ and other documents mention in condition no. (2) of this NIT.
  7. In such eventuality, the successful bidder shall be bound to produce the additional bid security within three (03) working days from the issuance of letter of acceptance, failing to which bid security of successful bidder will be forfeited and legal proceeding will also initiated against the bidder who repudiated the contract under KPPRA procurement rules, vide Notification No. KPPRA/M&E/Esst:/1-17/2019-20, dated 12.06.2020.
  8. Any item not reflected in the BOQ and required at site, shall be paid in accordance with MRS-2020/prevailing market rates with the approval of the competent authority.
  9. The procuring entity may reject all bids or any proposal/Bid at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposals. The procuring entity shall upon request communicate to any contractor who submitted a bid or proposal the grounds for rejection of all bids or proposals as per KPPRA 47(1).
  10. Other terms and conditions can be seen in the office of the undersigned on any working day during office hours.
  11. After applying, the documents must reach through registered courier service on mentioned date. Tender received via registered courier will be entertained only.






                                                                                                PDA, HAYATABAD


No.W-60/DD(IT Cell)/PDA/______

                                                                                                Dated Peshawar the______/10/2020




                      Sealed bids on above/below basis for the work mentioned below are hereby invited under KPPRA Rule 6 (2) (a) single stage one envelop from the contractors/authorized dealers/ firms having sufficient experience in the relevant field:-



Name of Work


Cost in





Tender form


Date and time of receipt

and opening of tender

Time Limit










Purchase of 01 Computer System Core i5 (8th Generation), for the office of the Director Incharge One Window PDA

(i) HP Desktop Computer 400/600  SFF/Slim Line processor Intel Core i5 (8th Generation) 8.0 GB RAM DDR4  1 TB Hardisk Drive, Intel  630 Graphic card on board WIFI, 10/100/1000 LAN (sound 1)  DVD, Super Multi Drive 20.7” LED Screen, HP Keyboard & Mouse or equivalent







of the

estimated cost








11.00 AM





12.00 Noon



As per work order

(ii) HP LaserJet 26-A Printer

(iii) Window 10 Original DVD

(iv) Digital Persona Fingerprint Reader 4500 users with one year warranty for all the devices/accessories.




  1. Tender bidding documents/bill of quantity (BOQ) can be downloaded One prior to date & time submission from PDA website, (
  2. 2% (two percent) bid security of the estimate cost must be accompanind in shape of Call Deposit in the name of Director General, Peshawar Development Authority, Peshawar.
  3. Active tax payer is mandatory for authorised dealer/supplier/contractor.
  4. The dealer/supplier/contractor must be register with KPRA.
  5. Rates in BOQ must be written both in figures and words. The dealer/supplier/contractor, awill sign all the pages of BOQ,  in case of non-compliance, tender shall not be entertained for competition.
  6. Tenders shall opened in the office of the undersigned on the date & time specified above.
  7. The warranty period of the Computers & IT equpments, will be as per goods warranty  and in case of any techinical fault firm will be responsible for repair/replacement of the said devices within a week time during the warranty period.
  8. Incomplete/conditional or telegraphic tenders shall not be accepted.
  9. Any disfiguring/over writing, manipulation in the tender documents shall be rejected.
  10. All federal and provincial duties/taxes including sales tax will be recoverable as per directives of Government issued from time to time.
  11. The bidders are at liberty to seek any clarificrtion and further information from the office of the undersinged if desire.
  12. Seal bids shall be sent through registered mail / courrer services or personally submitted in the office of undersigned upto dead line mentioned above. The late bids will not be acceptable. Any delay in delivery of sealed bids will be responsibility of the bidders.
  13. The competent authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders assigning cogent reason.
  14. Other terms and condition can be seen during office hours.



                DEPUTY DIRECTOR ( I T CELL)




(Single Stage Single envelopes) 

(Notice Inviting E. Bidding Short Tenders)


Sealed bids on the basis of “SINGLE STAGE SINGLE ENVELOPES SYSTEM” under Rule 14 (2) (a) of KPPRA Rules 2014, are hereby invited from Provincial Enlistment Committee Khyber Pakhtunkhwa / PDA enlisted Contractor / firms who registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA)   for the current year 2020-2021 having sufficient experience in the field of works given below, on percentage above/below on the BOQ/Engineer cost estimate for the following work. Estimated Cost Based on MRS-2020.



Name of Work



Estimated Cost



2% Earnest Money


Bidding documents Fee


PEC Registration category

Date /Time of Receipt/opening of Tender /bids

Time Limit





Construction of 1-No Room & Bath Room for Security Guards at House No. 210 Sector C-2 Phase-V Hayatabad Peshawar. 















C - 6 and above





22/10 /2020

11:00 AM





11:30 AM

As per Work order


Balance / Remaining works in House No.181/C-2 PDA Colony Phase-V Hayatabad Peshawar.















C - 6 and above





22/10 /2020

11:00 AM





12:00 Noon

As per Work order


Construction of Additional Room at 1st Floor in House No.209-0/-2, PDA Colony Phase-V Hayatabad Peshawar











C - 6 and above





22/10 /2020

11:00 AM





12:30 PM

As per Work order





1.                  The contractor / firm shall apply online via E- bidding on PDA web site, at Mid Night 12:00 am on 22/10/2020 The advertisement can also be seen on KPPRA website at up to one day prior to schedule opening dates. Interested contractors/firms are requested to obtain user name and password from P&D Section of PDA to download tender forms and BOQs.


2.                  2% (two percent) earnest money must be accompanied with the tender documents in the shape of call deposit in the name of Director General PDA from scheduled Banks branches at Peshawar. Copies of the requisite documents like enlistment/renewal, Income Tax Certificate and PEC Registrations, NTN etc must be attached with the tender documents, while original be produced to the Tender Opening Committee for confirmation at the time of opening of the tender.

3.                  The bidding documents fee in shape of call deposit amounting to Rs. 1000/- be submitted separately in favor of the Director General PDA. 

4.                  Incomplete /disfiguring/overwriting/ delayed bids shall be considered non responsive. 


5.                  All federal and provincial duties/stamp duty/taxes including sales tax etc will be recoverable as per directives of the government issued from time to time.






6.                  In case the bid becomes tie, the work will be retendered.


7.                  The Firms/ contractor shall submit their bids by pressing / clicking “Finalize” option in the “Bid Details” section of E-bidding. After that the generated tender form shall be printed and submitted along with BOQ and other documents mentioned in condition No 2 of this NIT .


8.                  In case of bid / rate quoted by the bidder more than 10% below engineer estimate, the additional bid security shall be provided by the successful bidder only to the extent of bid more than 10% the engineer estimate in the form of percentage. The amount of additional bid security shall be equal to the impact of financial difference occurring in the quoted rate beyond 10% below engineer estimate vide Notification No KPPRA/M&E/Esst:/1-17/2019-20, dated 12.06.2020


9.                  In such eventuality , the successful bidder shall be bound to produce the additional bid security within  three (03) working days from the issuance of letter of acceptance, failing to which bid security of successful bidder will be forfeited and legal proceeding will also be initiated against the bidder who repudiated the contract under KPPRA procurement rules. 


10.              Any item not reflected in the BOQ and required at site, shall be paid in accordance with MRS-2020/prevailing market rates with the approval of the competent authority. 


11.              The procuring entity may reject all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid. The procuring entity shall upon request communicate to any contractor who submitted a bid , the grounds for rejection of all bids, as per KPPRA 47(1)  


12.              After applying, the documents must reach through registered courier service on mentioned date. Tender received via REGISTERED COURIER SERVICE will be entertained only.


13.              Other terms and conditions can be seen in the office of the undersigned on any working day during office hours.


14.              Validity of bid will be 90 days from the date of acceptance / approval of the tender.


15.              All the bidders must be registered and in the active Tax payer list of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority , established under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Act,2013(KP Act No  XXI of 2013




                                                                                            PDA’S HOUSE COMMERCIAL COMPLEX              

                                    BLOCK –I , 4TH FLOOR PHASE V , HAYATABAD


                                                  NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING

                              Sealed bids on the basis of “Single Stage Single Envelope Bidding” under             Rules 6 (2) (a) of KPPRA Rules 2014 are hereby invited Electronic Bid  from Manufacturers/General order Suppliers for the work at Sr. No.1, while tender for the work at Sr.No.2 are invited from IT Service Providers and tender for the work at Sr.No.3 are invited from (PEC) registered Company/Firm/Contractors in relevant Category of PEC  having code CE-01 & CE-09  and enlisted in PDA for the year 2020-21 on percentage rate above/below  on the BOQ/Engineer cost estimate for the under mentioned works as per detail given below:-


Name of work


Cost (Rs)

Earnest Money

Date & Time of receipt/opening of tenders/bid

Receipt/             Opening

Time Limit





Purchase of Uniform with other Accessories for Water Supply Staff PDA Hayatabad Peshawar.


0.999 Million



2% of  the Estimated Cost



     22.10.2020 upto 11.00 AM



   22.10.2020 upto 11.30 AM


As per work order



Audio/Video Call Recording System for Complaint Cell, PDA Hayatabad.

0.457 Million

2% of  the Estimated Cost


     22.10.2020 upto 11.30 AM


   22.10.2020 upto 12.00 Noon

As per work order


Rehabilitation of Damaged Sewer Line/Drain at Street No.4, Sector E-6 Phase-VII Hayatabad Peshawar.


0.477 Million

2% of  the Estimated Cost


     22.10.2020 upto 12.00 Noon


   22.10.2020 upto 12.30 PM

As per work order


Terms and Conditions

  1. Tender documents/Bill of Quantity (BOQ) can be downloaded/apply upto 12.00 PM Mid Night  till opening date from Peshawar Development Authority website at the address


  1. The bids shall be submitted electronically through E-Bidding on or before the fixed date/time.


  1. 2% (Two percent) Earnest money must be accompanied in shape of Call Deposit in the name of Director General, Peshawar Development Authority Peshawar from scheduled Bank. Copies of the requisite documents like renewal, income tax must be attached with the tender documents.


  1. The tender documents fee Rs.1000/- for each work shall be payable through demand draft or pay order in the name of Director General Peshawar Development authority (Nonrefundable).


  1. The Firm must be registered with KP Revenue Authority (KPRA) for the work at Sr.3. All the bidders must be in the Active Taxpayer list of KPRA.


  1. The tender documents must be signed by an authorized person of the firm/company.


  1. Sealed bids shall be sent through registered mail/courier service which must reach in the office of the undersigned before closing time and date mentioned above.



  1. In case of bid/rate quoted by the bidder more than 10% below engineer estimate, the additional bid security shall be provided by the successful bidder only to the extent of bid more than 10% below the engineer estimate in the form of percentage. The amount of additional bid security shall be equal to the impact of financial difference occurring in the quoted rates beyond 10% below engineer estimate vide Notification No.KPPRA/M&E/Estt:/1-17/2019-20, dated 12.06.2020.


  1. In such eventuality, the successful bidder shall be bound to produce the additional bid security within (03) working days from the issuance of letter of acceptance, failing which bid security of successful bidder would be forfeited and  legal proceeding will also be initiated  against the bidder who repudiated  the contract  under KPPRA  procurement rules, vide Notification No.KPPRA/M&E/Estt:/1-17/2019-20, dated 12.06.2020.


  1. The contract will be offered to the next lowest bidder after due diligence in the context of financial difference between such two bids and the market analysis in order to discourage cartel making and to protect public interest at large.


  1. Any such efforts to conspire to cartel making shall be considered as violation of Rule 44 and shall be attributed towards mis-procurement under Rule 54 of Procurement Rules ibid


  1. The bid documents received through fax will not be acceptable.


  1. The bidders are at liberty to seek any clarification or further information from the office of the undersigned if desires.


  1. Only upto two decimal digits (0.00) will be considered for evaluation of the quoted bid. If any documents submitted   alongwith bid documents found false/bogus the registration of the contractor /firm shall stand cancelled/blacklisted. Conditional/incomplete bids shall not be accepted.


  1. Tender shall be opened in the office of the undersigned.


  1. In case bid becomes tie, it shall be retendered.


  1. All Federal and Provincial duties/stamp duty/taxes including sales tax will be recoverable as per directives of the Government issued time to time.


  1. Any disfiguring/overwriting, manipulation in the tender shall be liable to rejection.


  1. Incomplete/conditional bid shall not be acceptable. Furthermore the authority may reject all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of bid or proposal with a cogent reason.




        Deputy Director (WS)

         Directorate of (W&S)

             Peshawar Development Authority

                                                                                         (Site Office) Sector D-5, Phase-I Hayatabad

                                                                                                              Telephone No.091-9217134




(Notice Inviting E-Bidding)

                                Sealed bids on the basis of “Single Stage Single Envelope System” under Rule 14 (2)(a) of KPPRA Rules 2014, are hereby invited from the Provincial Enlistment Committee Khyber Pakhtunkhwa / PDA enlisted Contractors / Firms who are registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for the year 2020-21 having sufficient experience in the field of works given below, on percentage above/below on the BOQ/Engineer cost estimate for the following works:-


Name of Work

Required Category of PEC

Estimated Cost

(Rs. In Million)

Bid Security/ Earnest Money

Bidding documents Fee

Submission up to Date & time

Date & time of Opening

Time Limit


Major Head:

Maintenance of Water Supply RMT.

Sub Head:  Providing, laying/jointing of water supply network in sector A & D Zone-III, RMT (Remaining Work)


C-6 & Above



2% of the Estimated Cost



11:00 AM


12:00 PM



As Per Work Order



Major Head:

Regi Model Town Maintenance Expenditure

Sub Head:

Maintenance of Water Supply RMT.

Name of Work:

AM&R Of Tube Wells (Electrical/Mechanical) in RMT for the Financial year 2020-2021

C-6 & Above



2% of the Estimated Cost



11:00 AM


12:00 PM

As Per Work Order



Major Head:

Maintenance of Water Supply RMT.

Sub Head:

Construction of Storm Water Drain, Laying of Sewer Lines & Water Supply in Zone-4 Zonal Centre RMT.

C-5 & Above



2% of the Estimated Cost



11:00 AM


12:00 PM

As Per Work Order



Major Head:

Maintenance of Water Supply RMT.

Sub Head:

Supply of Different dia AC Pipes & Comet Joints for Store.

C-6 & Above



2% of the Estimated Cost



11:00 AM


12:00 PM

As Per Work Order




  1. All bids will be submitted online through E-Bidding system of Peshawar Development Authority.


  1. Online Tender Form / BOQ can be downloaded up to 18-10-2020 till 23:59 Hrs from PDA website


  1. 2% (two percent) earnest money/bid security of the Engineer Cost Estimate must be accompanied in the shape of Call Deposit in name of the Director General, Peshawar Development Authority Peshawar, from scheduled banks in accordance with the Rule 20(2) of KPPRA Rules 2014 and subsequent amendments (if any).


  1. The Bidders shall submit their Bids with requisite documents i.e. financial statement, Active NTN / Income Tax Certificate and Enlistment with KPRA (Active) including 2% earnest money to the office of the undersigned through Registered Courier Service. The bids received by hand, not Registered Courier Service and late shall not be entertained.


  1. Tender Proposals / Bids will be opened in the office of the undersigned in the presence of Procurement Committee & contractors / their representatives on the day and time mentioned above. In case, if Bids / Proposals are not opened on the above mentioned date due to unforeseen reasons these shall be opened on the next working day at the same place & time.                                       
  2. A certificate to the effect that there is no dispute of the firm with any department involved litigation / arbitration on the left over / incomplete projects and blacklisting on Stamp paper.


  1. Only up to two decimal digits (0.00) will be considered for evaluation of the quoted bid.  If any document submitted along with bid documents found false / bogus, the registration of the contractor / firm shall stands cancelled / blacklisted.


  1. The Contractors / Bidders who Quote their Bids / Rates more than 10% Below the Engineer’s estimate, the additional Bid security shall be sought from the successful bidder only to the extent of bid more than 10% below the Engineer’s Estimate in the form of Percentage. The amount of additional bid security shall be equal to the impact of financial difference occurring in the quoted rates beyond 10% below engineer’s estimate as per provincial Government Notification No: KPPRA/M&E/Estt:/1-17/2019-20 dated 12th June, 2020.


  1. In such eventuality, the successful bidder shall be bound to produce the additional bid security within 03 (Three) working days from the issuance of letter of acceptance, failing which the procuring entity shall forfeit the bid security of the successful bidder & may also initiate legal proceeding against the bidder who repudiated the contract under KPPRA Procurement Rules.


  1. If the Bid becomes tie, it will be decided through open draw.


  1. For work at Serial No.1 any item not reflected in the BOQ and required at site, shall be paid in accordance with MRS-2019 / prevailing market rates with the approval of the competent authority and for works at Serial No.2, 3 & 4 any item not reflected in the BOQ and required at site, shall be paid in accordance with MRS-2020 / prevailing market rates with the approval of the competent authority.   


  1. Bidding documents / tender form Fee must be accompanied in the shape of Call Deposit in name of the Director General, Peshawar Development Authority Peshawar.                                                                                                  


  1. All the Government taxes (Federal, Provincial & any other) will be deducted as per prevailing Government policy.


  1. The procuring entity may reject all bids or any proposal / Bid at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposals. The procuring entity shall upon request communicate to any contactor who submitted a bid or proposal the grounds for rejection or of all bids or proposals as per Section 47(1) of KPPRA Rules 2014.


  1. Other terms & conditions pertaining to the work can be seen in the office of the undersigned at any working day during office hours.


  1. All the bidders must be registered and in the active Tax Payer list of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority, established under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Act, 2013(KP Act No. XXI of 2013).





PDA, Peshawar

                  Phone No. 091-5846734



                                                  NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING

                              Sealed bids on the basis of  “Single Stage Single Envelope Bidding” under             Rules 14 (2) (A) are hereby invited Electronic Bids from (PEC)  registered Company/Firm/Contractors in relevant Category of PEC & having code CE-01 & CE-09  and enlisted in PDA for the year 2020-21  on percentage rate above/below  on the BOQ/Engineer cost estimate for the under mentioned work as per detail given below:-


Name of work


Cost (Rs)

Earnest Money



of PEC



Date & Time of receipt/opening of tenders/bid

Receipt/   Opening

Time Limit





Major Head

Maintenance of  Drainage & Sewerage Hayatabad

Sub Head

Annual Maintenance and Repair of Drainage System at Hayatabad Peshawar for the year 2020-21.



 7.981 Million




2% of  the Estimated Cost




C-6 &









11.00 AM








11.30 AM



As per work order


Terms and Conditions

  1. Tender documents/Bill of Quantity (BOQ) can be downloaded/apply upto 12.00 AM Mid Night  Till opening date from Peshawar Development Authority website at the address


  1. The bids shall be submitted electronically through E-Bidding on or before the fixed date/time.


  1. 2% (Two percent) Earnest money must be accompanied in shape of Call Deposit in the name of Director General, Peshawar Development Authority Peshawar from scheduled Bank. Copies of the requisite documents like renewal, income tax must be attached with the tender documents.


  1. The tender documents fee Rs.1000/-  shall be payable through demand draft or pay order in the name of Director General Peshawar Development authority (Nonrefundable).


  1. The Firm must be registered with KP Revenue Authority (KPRA). All the bidders must be in the Active Taxpayer list of KPRA.


  1. The rate should be valid till the contract expiration date. Contract shall be entered with the bidder on least cost basis and no increase, due to any reason, in the rates shall be acceptable during the validity of the contract period.


  1. The tender documents must be signed by an authorized person of the firm/company.


  1. Sealed bids shall be sent through registered mail/courier service which must reach in the office of the undersigned before closing time and date mentioned above.




  1. In case of bid/rate quoted by the bidder more than 10% below engineer estimate, the additional bid security shall be provided by the successful bidder only to the extent of bid more than 10% below the engineer estimate in the form of percentage. The amount of additional bid security shall be equal to the impact of financial difference occurring in the quoted rates beyond 10% below engineer estimate vide Notification No.KPPRA/M&E/Estt:/1-17/2019-20, dated 12.06.2020.


  1. In such eventuality, the successful bidder shall be bound to produce the additional bid security within (03) working days from the issuance of letter of acceptance, failing which bid security of successful bidder would be forfeited and  legal proceeding will also be initiated  against the bidder who repudiated  the contract  under KPPRA  procurement rules, vide Notification No.KPPRA/M&E/Estt:/1-17/2019-20, dated 12.06.2020.


  1. The contract will be offered to the next lowest bidder after due diligence in the context of financial difference between such two bids and the market analysis in order to discourage cartel making and to protect public interest at large.


  1. Any such efforts to conspire to cartel making shall be considered as violation of Rule 44 and shall be attributed towards mis-procurement under Rule 54 of Procurement Rules ibid


  1. The bid documents received through fax will not be acceptable.


  1. The bidders are at liberty to seek any clarification or further information from the office of the undersigned if desires.


  1. Only upto two decimal digits (0.00) will be considered for evaluation of the quoted bid. If any documents submitted  alongwith bid documents found false/bogus the registration of the contractor /firm shall stand cancelled/blacklisted. Conditional/incomplete bids shall not be accepted.


  1. Tender shall be opened in the office of the undersigned.


  1. In case bid becomes tie, it shall be retendered.


  1. All Federal and Provincial duties/stamp duty/taxes including sales tax will be recoverable as per directives of the Government issued time to time.


  1. Any disfiguring/overwriting, manipulation in the tender shall be liable to rejection.


  1. Incomplete/conditional bid shall not be acceptable. Furthermore the authority may reject all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of bid or proposal with a cogent reason.




 Deputy Director (Sanitation)

         Directorate of (W&S)

             Peshawar Development Authority

                                                                                         (Site Office) Sector D-5, Phase-I Hayatabad

                                                                                                              Telephone No.091-9217132


PDA 3rd Floor Block 2 Pda Commercial Complex Phase 5 Hayatabad
