Sealed tender for below mentioned works are hereby invited from Govt: Contractors enlisted with LG&RDD/PEC in the relevant category and having registration/enlistment renewal for the current year as per following schedule.

Work NoWork NameEstimated Cost (Millions)Earnest Money(Rs.)Last Date / Time of Submission of Tender FormsDate / Time of OpeningTime LimitAddress of NC / VCDownload BOQ
1Installation Solar Lights in Khar Bazar (129 Units)38.5930771860 07-Aug-2024 12:30:00As Per Work OrderNIL Download BOQ
2Installation Solar Lights in Raghagan Bazar (66 Units)19.7450394900 07-Aug-2024 12:30:00As Per Work OrderNIL Download BOQ
3Installation Solar Lights in Nawagai Bazar (96 Units)29.2620585240 07-Aug-2024 12:30:00As Per Work OrderNIL Download BOQ
4Installation of Solar lights in Mamol & Barkhlozo Bazar (40 Units)12.4180248360 07-Aug-2024 12:30:00As Per Work OrderNIL Download BOQ
5Solarization of Existing Bore/Well with OHT at Zaray (Only Solarization) 0.685013700 07-Aug-2024 12:30:00As Per Work OrderNIL Download BOQ
6Solarization of Existing Bore/Well with OHT at Badan Qila (Only Solarization) 0.672013440 07-Aug-2024 12:30:00As Per Work OrderNIL Download BOQ
7Solarization of Existing Bore/Well with OHT at Kanseer (Only Solarization) 0.672013440 07-Aug-2024 12:30:00As Per Work OrderNIL Download BOQ
8Solarization of Existing Bore/Well with OHT at Ghahi Asad (Only Solarization) 0.672013440 07-Aug-2024 12:30:00As Per Work OrderNIL Download BOQ
9Solarization of Existing Bore/Well with OHT at Jamsheed Nawagai (Only Solarization) 0.709014180 07-Aug-2024 12:30:00As Per Work OrderNIL Download BOQ
10Solarization of Existing Bore/Well with OHT at Ber Kemal Loi Mamund (Only Solarization) 0.672013440 07-Aug-2024 12:30:00As Per Work OrderNIL Download BOQ
11Solarization of Existing Bore/Well with OHT at Alimano Kali Salarza (Only Solarization) 0.672013440 07-Aug-2024 12:30:00As Per Work OrderNIL Download BOQ
12Installation of Solar System on Existing Source at Jannat Shah0.621012420 07-Aug-2024 12:30:00As Per Work OrderNIL Download BOQ

Sealed tenders based on MRS-2021/ Non MRS-items for the below mentioned solar works are hereby invited on the basis of Single stage single envelope procedure from pre-qualified firms vide notification: No.PO (LG)/ Notification 2022-23 dated 10/11/2022. The Firms Name are mentioned below:


Name of Firm


Name of Firm


Cititek Pvt Ltd


Catkin Engineering


HMA Pumps Pvt Ltd


Peshawar Construction & Pipes Company Pvt Ltd


Renewable Power Pvt Ltd


TSK Engineering International Pvt Ltd.


Tesla Industries Pvt Ltd


Pak Reliable Engineering Co JV QRI Construction Pvt Ltd


Mak Pumps Company Pvt Ltd


Solar Tech Pvt Ltd


Zonergy (Tianjin) Company Ltd. JV Renewable Stars (Pvt) Ltd


Sustainable Energy Associates (Pvt) Ltd JV Samber Energy (Pvt) Ltd


Akhunzada Associates (Pvt) Ltd


Flow Pak Pump Industries (Pvt) Ltd



  1. The financial bidding will be online through E-bidding system. Tender form and BOQ can be filled online and downloaded from the Official website of LGE &RDD ( after publishing of NIT.
  2. The bidders are required to fill Electronic bids online and attach scan copy of bid security in shape of original call Deposit in the name of procuring Entity and submit hard copy of the same printed electronic bid form to the procuring Entity /Executing Agency.
  1. Electronic bids and original call deposit’s received through fax or by hand will not acceptable.
  2. Sealed bids sent through registered mail/ courier service should reach up to the specified time and date as mentioned above.
  3. The Eligible bidder must have the relevant codes for the above mentioned works as per Pakistan Engineering council.
  4. The contractor or his representative may be present at time of opening of electronic bids opening.
  5. The call Deposits i.e. Bid security for the work /contract must be prepared after publishing of NIT, before closing time of the Electronic bid apply.
  6. The rules for additional security will be strictly in accordance to KPPRA dated May 10, 2022 notification No. S.R.O. (14)/Vol: 1-24/2021-22.
  7. Any Electronic Bidder who provide false, or materially inaccurate or incomplete or do not sent information in hard form will be disqualified as per KPPRA Act section 29(1) read with KPPRA Rule (43). Furthermore, the procuring Entity /Executing Agency will recommend and sent cases for debarring / Blacklisting and will initiate /take action in the light of approved procedure /mechanism as per KPPRA Act section 29(2) read with KPPRA Rule (44).
  8. Electronic Bids will remain valid for 90 days from the closing date of bids. (As decided by the procuring Entity /Executing Agency in the Light of standard Bidding Documents).
  9. The PEC and KPRA registration (Active tax payer) must be valid for current financial year.
  10. The centralized Enlisted contractors with C&W department for the current Financial year who wants to participate in the tendering process may approach Directorate General LG&RDD Peshawar within two days before closing time of electronic apply for uploading their names on the official website i.e. (
  11. All applicable taxes will be recoverable as per directives of the government in vogue.
  12. Any addition made in the terms of & conditions in the NIT advertised will be implemented as per KPPRA Rules.
  13. Manual bids should be submitted till 12:00 PM on Date of opening of tender mentioned in NIT.
  14. Bidder must qualify & attach the following documents with their bids, if not attached the contractor will be considered as non-responsive: -
  15. The following documents must be attached with bids:

Enlistment Renewal Copy in LGE&RDD Department for the Year 2021-22, Photocopy of CNIC, PEC, KPPRA Registration, FBR Tax Payer, Signed BOQ, Signed Tender Form & Original Call Deposit.

  1. Work order will be issued subject to availability of funds.



Assistant Engineer                                                                                                  Assistant Director

LG&RDD Bajaur                                                                                                    LG&RDD Bajaur



