Sealed tender for below mentioned works are hereby invited from Govt: Contractors enlisted with PEC in the relevant category and having registration/enlistment renewal for the current year as per following schedule.

Work NoWork NameEstimated Cost (Millions)Earnest Money(Rs.)Tender Form(Rs.)Required PEC CategoryLast Date / Time of online applyDate / Time of OpeningTime LimitDownload BOQ
1Improvement of Existing Water supply schemes.20.00004000000  2024-08-06 12:00 AM 14:00:00As per work order Download BOQ
2PCC Streets and Drains at Tehsil Lachi.15.00003000000  2024-08-06 12:00 AM 14:00:00As per work order Download BOQ
3Installation of hand Pumps/Pressure Pumps at Tehsil Lachi.10.00002000000  2024-08-06 12:00 AM 14:00:00As per work order Download BOQ
4Construction of Janazagah at Lachi Bala.4.0000800000  2024-08-06 12:00 AM 14:00:00As per work order Download BOQ
5Construction of Janazgah at Lachi Payan.3.5000700000  2024-08-06 12:00 AM 14:00:00As per work order Download BOQ


  1. Tender forms can be downloaded after publication in the news papers by the original registered contractors from website.
  2. All the enlisted contractors of LCB, Peshawar, PEC, KPPRA for the year 20223-24 shall offer their bids on ABOVE/BELOW BASIS.
  3. The documents must be attached with the bids such as (i) copy of CNIC, Registrations of LCB, PEC, KPPRA for 2023-24.
  4. The contractors quoting bids up to the limit of 10% below on Engineer’s estimate shall submit bid security @ 2% only for Engineers Estimate.
  5. The Contractors quoting their bids more than 10% below up to 20% below only for engineer’s estimate shall submit 8% additional security on engineer estimated cost in addition to 2% bid security. If the bid is not accompanied with the required security amount of additional security, then it will be considered as non responsive and the2% bid security shall be forfeited in favor of TMA Lachi and the second lowest bidder and so on will be considered accordingly.
  6. Similarly a contractor quoting bid more than 20% below shall submit with his bid an additional security on engineer’s estimate cost equal to the differential amount of submitted bid along with detailed rate analysis. In case of more than 20% below bids, if the bid is not accompanied by the detailed rate analysis and OR required amount of additional security than the said bid shall be considered as non responsive. All the securities submitted along with such non responsive bid shall be forfeited in favor of TMA Lachi and the 2nd Bidder and so on will be considered accordingly.
  7. In case detailed rate analysis submitted with the bids is in view of the procuring entity found none convincing, the head of the procuring entity may declare such bid as non-responsive without any forfeturing of securities and record reasons thereof.
  8. The Engineer’s estimate has been framed on MRS 2022.
  9. The Contractor shall pay all the imposed taxes of Provincial/Federal Government from time to time and will be deducted from the bills of the contractor. 
  10. The Tender form and BOQ must be signed by the original contractor only.
  11. Bid securities of some OR all the bidders will be retained by the procuring entity till approval of the tender/bid validity.
  12. The tender documents must be submitted through courier services and by hand, incomplete/conditional/telegraphic will not be accepted at any cost.
  13. The procuring entity shall have the right to reject any or all the bids by quoting reasons under rules 47 of KPPRA and service Rules 2014 amended 2019.
  14. Sealed tenders must reach TMA Lachi on 06.08.2024 up to 1.00 P.M. and after such date and time no tender will be accepted. The work order will be issued subject to the availability of funds from the Provincial/District Government.






Tehsil Officer (Infrastructure)                                                   Tehsil Municipal Officer

     TMA Lachi.                                                                     TMA Lachi.


Tehsil Municipal Officer, TMA Lachi, Kohat

0922 - 550027