Sealed tender for below mentioned works are hereby invited from Govt: Contractors enlisted with LG&RDD/PEC in the relevant category and having registration/enlistment renewal for the current year as per following schedule.

Work NoWork NameEstimated Cost (Millions)Earnest Money(Rs.)Last Date / Time of Submission of Tender FormsDate / Time of OpeningTime LimitAddress of NC / VCDownload BOQ
1Solarization of Existing Tube Well at Ghundi1.875037500 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per Work orderNIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
2Solarization of Existing Tube Well at Rekhalay1.875037500 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per Work orderNIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
3Solarization of Existing Tube Well at Tedi Bazar1.875037500 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per Work orderNIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
4Solarization of Existing Tube Well at Shahkass1.875037500 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PM NIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
5Solarization of Existing Tube Well at Nogazi Baba1.875037500 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PM NIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
6Solarization of Existing Tube Well at Qambar Abad1.875037500 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PM NIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
7Solarization of Existing Tube Well at Arjalinadi1.875037500 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per Work orderNIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
8Solarization of Existing Tube Well at Machine Dhand1.875037500 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per Work orderNIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
9Solarization of Existing Tube Well at Sur Kass1.875037500 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per Work orderNIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
10Solarization of Existing Tube Well at Jan Khan Kalay1.875037500 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per Work orderNIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
11Solarization of Existing Tube Well at Sam Baba Shinko1.875037500 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PM NIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
12Solarization of Existing Tube Well at Speen Dhand1.875037500 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per Work orderNIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
13Solarization of Masjid at Shahkass1.063021260 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PM NIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
14Solarization of Masjid at Jamrud Town - 021.063021260 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PM NIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
15Solarization of Masjid Jamrud - 081.063021260 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PM NIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
16Solarization of Masjid at Bakar Abad1.063021260 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PM NIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
17Solarization of Masjid at Rekhalay1.063021260 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PM NIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
18Solarization of Masjid at Kutkushta1.063021260 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per Work orderNIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
19Solarization of Masjid at Gudar 1.063021260 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PM NIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
20Solarization of Masjid Nogazi Baba1.063021260 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per Work orderNIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
21Solarization of Masjid at Arjalinadi1.063021260 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PM NIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
22Solarization of Masjid at Jan Khan Sur Kass1.063021260 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per Work orderNIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
23Construction of Over Head Water Tank at Qambar Abad1.569031380 23-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per Work orderNIL Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
  1. Tender form can be filled online and downloaded from the official website of LGE&RDD ( after publishing NIT.
  2. The bid securities shall be in shape of call deposit in favor of the Assistant Director (Senior) LG&RDD Headquarter Khyber.
  3. The call deposits i.e. bid security for the work / contract must be prepared after publishing of NIT and before closing time of the electronic bid apply.
  4. The contractors quoting their bids up to a limit of 10% below Engineer Estimate shall submit bid security @ 2% only of Engineer Estimate.
  5. The contractors quoting their bids more than 10% below up to 20% below on Engineer’s Estimate shall submit along with their bids 8% Additional Security of Engineer’s Estimated cost in addition to 2% bid security. If the bid is not accompanied with the required amount of additional security, then it will be considered as non-responsive and the 2% bid security shall be forfeited in favor of Government and the second lowest bidder and so on will be considered accordingly.
  6.  Similarly, a contractor quoting bid more than 20% below shall submit with his bid an additional security on Engineer’s estimated cost equal to the differential amount of submitted bid and Engineers’ Estimate along with detailed rate analysis. In case of more than 20% below bids, if the bid is not accompanied by the detailed rate analysis and / or required amount of additional security, then said bid shall be considered as non-responsive. All the securities submitted along with such non-responsive bid shall be forfeited in favor of Government and the 2nd lowest bidder and so on will be considered accordingly.
  7. In case detailed rate analysis submitted with the bids is, in view of the Procuring Entity, not convincing, the Head of the Procuring Entity may declare such bid as non-responsive without any forfeiture of bid securities and record reasons thereof.
  8. The procuring entity may offer the contract to next lowest bidder after due diligence in the context of financial difference between such two bids or may advertise procurement opportunity afresh.
  9. Electronic bids and original call deposits received through fax or by hand will not be acceptable. Sealed bids sent through registered mail/courier service should reach up to the specified time and date as mentioned above.
  10. The original envelop complete in all respect must be delivered through courier to the Office of Assistant Director Senior, LG&RDD Head Quarter Khyber, situated at DC Office Khyber, while the duplicate copy may be delivered through courier to the Directorate General LG&RDD office No. 20, Sector B-5 opposite to NESPAK Office at Phase-V Hayatabad Peshawar before closing time of bid.
  11. In case of tie / draw amongst the responsive bidders, the bid may be decided through free toss which shall be considered as final.
  12. The interested bidders can obtain/download bidding documents online through an e-bidding system. In case of any further information/clarification, the bidders may visit the office on any working day before the closing of the bid.
  13. The eligible bidder must have the relevant codes for the above mentioned works as per PEC.
  14. Any electronic bidder who provides false, or materially inaccurate or incomplete or do not send information in hard form will be disqualified as per KPPRA Act Section 29 (1) read with KPPRA Rule (43). Furthermore, the Procuring Entity/Executing Agency will recommend and sent cases for debarring/Blacklisting and will initiate / take action in light of approved procedure / mechanism as per KPPRA Act section 29 (2) read with KPPRA Rule (44).
  15. Bids will remain valid for 180 days from the closing date of bids.

16.       Any addition in Terms & Condition in NIT advertised shall be implemented as per KPPRA Act & Rules.





Assistant Engineer (Senior)                                                                        Assistant Director (Senior)

Local Govt. & Rural Dev.                                                              Local Govt. & Rural Dev. Department  District Khyber                                                      Department  District Khyber

at Khyber House Peshawar                                                          at Khyber House Peshawar

   Cantt #091 3042634                                                                          Cantt # 091 3042634    

