Sealed tender for below mentioned works are hereby invited from Govt: Contractors enlisted with LG&RDD/PEC in the relevant category and having registration/enlistment renewal for the current year as per following schedule.

Work NoWork NameEstimated Cost (Millions)Earnest Money(Rs.)Last Date / Time of Submission of Tender FormsDate / Time of OpeningTime LimitAddress of NC / VCDownload BOQ
1Solarization of Existing pressure pumps at Tehsil BD Shah/NA-3810.0000200000 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per work orderAssistant Director LG&RDD Takhte Nasrati Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
2Solarization of Existing pressure pumps at PK-97/NA-3810.0000200000 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per work orderAssistant Director LG&RDD Takhte Nasrati Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
3Installation of pressure pumps at at various locations at PK-98 (Package-I)10.0000200000 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per work orderAssistant Director LG&RDD Takhte Nasrati Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
4Installation of pressure pumps at at various locations at PK-98 (Package-II)10.0000200000 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per work orderAssistant Director LG&RDD Takhte Nasrati Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
5Installation of pressure pumps at at various locations at PK-98 (Package-III)10.0000200000 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per work orderAssistant Director LG&RDD Takhte Nasrati Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
6Solarization of Masjid/Madrassa and existing of pressure pumps at various locations at PK-98 (Package-I)10.0000200000 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per work orderAssistant Director LG&RDD Takhte Nasrati Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
7Solarization of Masjid/Madrassa and existing of pressure pumps at various locations at PK-98 (Package-II)20.0000400000 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per work orderAssistant Director LG&RDD Takhte Nasrati Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
8Solarization of Masjid/Madrassa and existing of pressure pumps at various locations at PK-98 (Package-III)20.0000400000 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per work orderAssistant Director LG&RDD Takhte Nasrati Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
9Improvement of infrastructure works including solarization at various locations of VC Ahmad Abad, VC Ghundi Kala, Warana Mir Hassan Khel, Surati Kala, Saikot and VC Kanda (Package-I)20.0000400000 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per work orderAssistant Director LG&RDD Takhte Nasrati Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
10Improvement of infrastructure works including solarization at various locations of VC Ahmad Abad, VC Ghundi Kala, Warana Mir Hassan Khel, Surati Kala, Saikot and VC Kanda (Package-II)25.0000500000 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per work orderAssistant Director LG&RDD Takhte Nasrati Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
11Installation of street lights at various locations Commercial area, Public places, Streets and Roads at PK-98 Karak15.0000300000 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per work orderAssistant Director LG&RDD Takhte Nasrati Work Cancelled Work Cancelled
12Renovation/ Capacity building at Press Club T/Nasrati2.500050000 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per work orderAssistant Director LG&RDD Takhte Nasrati Work Cancelled Work Cancelled

Terms & Conditions

  • All bidding will be through E-Bidding system tender from and BOQ can be filled and download by the Original contractor available on the website of LGE &RDD DG Office (www.LGKP.GOV.PK) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa after publishing of NIT in Newspaper.
  • The contractors are required to filled the tender from and BOQ online and submit the hard copy in original of the same tender to AD LG & RDD office. Duplicate copy of bidding documents may be sent to Director General Peshawar before the closing time of bid. The tender documents must reach this office up to fixed date and time as mentioned.
  • The following documents must be attached with bids.
  1. Photocopy of update renewal of enlistment in C&W Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
  2. Photocopy of registration with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) valid up to end of current financial year.
  3. Photocopy of CNIC and Photocopy of Form “H”.
  4. KP-PPRA registration in active status.
  5. The contractor must be enlisted in the relevant category of PEC code.
  • For solarization schemes, the eligible contractors must have specialized PEC code of solarization, failing which concerned contractor’s bid will be considered as non-responsive.
  • The PV Module should have at least 10-years warranty for any defects and should be provided on stamp Signed and sealed by Contractor at the time of Handing/Taking over as per specification 26.1.
  • The contractor/firm applied for the scheme at serial#11 must have PEC code of EE11(VV), failing which concerned contractor’s bid will be considered as non-responsive.
  •   If any bid documents submitted by the firm/contractors found false/bogus, the registration of contractor/firm shall stand cancelled/blacklisted in addition of forfeited of Earnest Money and Security amount if any.
  • Tender form and copy of call deposit received through fax or by hand will not be acceptable and the contractor or his representative may be present at the time of opening of tender.
  • All bidders are required to be registered with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority, established under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa finance act No.XXI of 2013 for works, consulting and non-consulting services in schedule-II of the act ibid.]
  • Matters pertaining to Additional Security in case of abnormally low bids ,vide KP-PPRA Notification No.  S.R.O(14)Vol:1-24/2021-22/6058-71  even Dated Peshawar 10 May,2022 will be applicable.
  • The time limit of each work shall be as per work order issued to the successful bidder and the contractor have to have to start work within 15 days’ time period issuance of work order filing which the work will be cancelled and security/additional security (if any) will be forfeited.
  • In case bids become tie the award of contract shall be decided through of free toss which shall be binding and final.
  • All the government taxes will be deducted as per prevailing government policy.
  • Any Contract/Firm offer their rates At Par/Above/Below on BOQ as per MRS 2024(1st Bi-Annual).
  • The competent authority reserves the right to reject any bid by assigning cogent reason.
  • Any addition made and term and condition in the NIT advertise in the newspaper will be implanted as per KP-PPRA rules.
  • All the test shall be carried out by the contractor at his own cost. When and where procuring authority recommends for the purpose of insuring qualitative work.
  • The person whose name exists in the form H/Partnership deed will only be entitled to signed the tender form, BOQ and all other contract documents, no other signatory shall be entitled as a bidder.
  • SBDS can be downloaded from official website; (www.LGKP.GOV.PK)
  • Any electronic bidder who provide false or materially inaccurate or incomplete or do not send information in hard form will be disqualified as per KP-PPRA act section 29(1) read with KP-PPRA rule (43). Furthermore, the procuring entity/Executing agency will recommend and send case for debarring/blacklisting and will initiate/take action in light of approved procedure/mechanism as per KP-PPRA ACT section 29(2) read with KP-PPRA rule (46).  


                                                                  Assistant Engineer                                                                          Assistant Director

                                                                 LG & RDD T/Nasrati                                                                         LG & RD T/Nasrati


Assistant Director LG&RDD Takhte Nasrati