Sealed tender for below mentioned works are hereby invited from Govt: Contractors enlisted with PEC in the relevant category and having registration/enlistment renewal for the current year as per following schedule.

Work NoWork NameEstimated Cost (Millions)Earnest Money(Rs.)Tender Form(Rs.)Required PEC CategoryLast Date / Time of online applyDate / Time of OpeningTime LimitDownload BOQ
1Solarization of Existing Tubewell at Ganderi Khattak2.5000500000  2025-01-21 12:00 PM 2:00PMAs per Work Order Work Cancelled Work Cancelled

1.          Tender form / BOQ can be downloaded after publication in the newspapers by the registered contractors from Local Council Board website (

2.          All the enlisted contractors of Local Council Board shall offer their bids by filling rates online w.e.f the date of publication.

3.          All the enlisted contractors have an option to withdraw their bids online up to closing time of tender if they intend not to participate in bidding. In case they have applied rates                   online then they shall be bound to submit printed tender's documents along with requisite documents to TMA Takht-e-Nasrati otherwise will be liable to be declared as black                     listed.

4.          Any tender or offer of works made by any enlisted contractors without filling bids online shall be considered as null and void henceforth.

5.          The following documents must be attached with the bid such as (i) 2% earnest money in shape of original call deposit in the name of TMO, TMA Takht-e-Nasrati from                                scheduled  banks (ii). Enlistment copy of Local Council Board for the year 2024-25 (iii). Registration copy of Pakistan Engineering Council for 2024-25 and (iv). Copy of CNIC                  & (v). Copy of KPRA Registration for 2024-25 for each schemes in a separate envelope highlighting name of work (written over the envelope).

6.          Sealed bids must be sent through registered mail / courier service before or on dated fixed for opening and will be opened on the same date at 02:00 PM in the presence of                     bidders by the tender committee. By hand submission of tender documents will not be accepted and such tender will not be entertained.

7.          Bidder who submitted their financial bids without a valid call deposit will be barred from participating in bidding process for one year.

8.          The tender shall be processed according to “above / below system” based on market rate system.

               9.          The engineer estimate is framed on the current MRS 2024 (1st Bio-annual).

              10.        Tender forms and BOQs must be signed by the original contractor.

11.        The successful contractors have to pay stamp duty along with all applicable Provincial / Federal Government Taxes issued from time to time.

12.        Bid security of some or all the bidders will be retained by the procuring entity till approval of tender / bid validity period.

13.        Complete bids both (original and duplicate) must reach to TMA Takht-e-Nasrati on or before the fixed date as per instruction of the Provincial Government.

              14.        Incomplete / conditional or telegraphic tenders shall not be accepted. 

15.        The Department will not be bound to provide any machinery / testing laboratory and the total cost on it will be borne by the contractors themselves.

              16.        Any bidders who provide incorrect information shall be disqualified.

17.        In case of bids become tie the award of contract shall be decided through evaluation which shall be bounded as final.

18.        The bidders should be enlisted with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue authority, as per KPPRA rules.

19.        Other terms & conditions / guidelines, if required can be obtained from this TMA at any working day during official hours.

20.        (i) In case of Solar Project, only those contractors bid shall be entertained, whose Firms have been awarded specified code of Solar and only approved / Registered Company               Solar material will be installed.

             (ii) In case of Transformer Project, only those contractors bid shall be entertained, whose Firms have been awarded specified electrical code & must have the following                            documents, in case of any deficiencies, the concerned contractor’s bid will be considered as non-responsive. (a) PEC code of EE 04 and EE 05 (b) Contractor/firms registered                with PESCO / WAPDA (c) Contractor’s / firms registered with Inspectorate of Electricity, Energy & Power Deptt: KPK of electricity act 1937. (d) Joint Venture (JV) is also                          acceptable in light of KP-PPRA and PEC Rules / Guidelines.

21.        The contractors quoting their bids up to a limit of 10% below Engineer estimate shall submit bid security to the extent of 2% of Engineer Estimate only. The contractor quoting                 their bids more than 10% below up to 20% below on Engineers Estimate shall submit along with their bids 8% Additional Security of Engineers Estimated cost in addition to 2%               bid security. If the bid is not accompanied with the required amount of additional security, then it will be considered as non-responsive and the 2% bid security shall be forfeited               in favour of TMA Takht-e-Nasrati and the second lowest bidder and so on will be considered accordingly. Similarly, a contractor quoting bid more than 20% below shall submit                 with his bid an additional security on Engineers Estimated cost equal to the differential amount of submitted bid and Engineers Estimate along with detailed rate analysis. In                     case of more than 20% below bids, if the bid is not accompanied by the detailed rate analysis and / or required amount of additional security, then the said bid shall be                             considered as non-responsive. All the securities submitted along with such non-responsive bid shall be forfeited in favour of TMA Takht-e-Nasrati and the 2nd lowest bidder and               so on will be considered accordingly.

             Furthermore, all others terms & conditions / regulation notified by the KPPRA vide notification No. S.R.O(14)/Vol:1-24/2021-22 dated 10-05-2022/6058-71 in letter and spirit.      


22       Note: - Work orders of the aforementioned schemes will be issued to the contractor subject to release /availability of fund. 

Tehsil Municipal Officer, TMA Takht-e-Nusrati, Karak

0927 - 250593-596